Frequently Asked Questions:

  • How do we get paid?

Typically, amateur and friendly games pay through GoPay. LCSL games typically pay cash at the fields. High School games typically pay via check mailed after the game or cash at the field. 

  • What is GoPay?

GoPay is the digital payment system that the assigning website, GameOfficials, pairs with. GoPay allows you to connect your account to a bank account and transfer your funds to your bank automatically. You can set up GoPay to notify you every time a payment process is completed. 

  • When do we get paid?

For games that are applicable for GoPay, payments post on the 15th and 30th of each month. You can customize how GoPay transfers payments to your bank account based personal preference. 

  •  I lost my badge. How can I replace it?

You can visit this site to order a new badge.